AI Horse Analytics2024-04-02T08:38:25+00:00

The future of good horsemanship:

AI Horse Analytics!

Professional Horse Analysis, directly in your smartphone!

Our advanced AI technology analyses the horse’s head and gives you valuable feedback to help you become a better rider and get a more healthy horse.

Why AI Horse Analytics?

Why AI Horse Analytics?

  • Performance Optimisation: Gain valuable insights into how the horse’s head position varies both in a riding session and over time, highlighting improvements.

  • Health Monitoring: Monitor the horse’s head carriage to identify potential issues or discomfort, allowing for early intervention and preventive care.

  • Biomechanical Analysis: Understand the biomechanics of the horse-rider interaction, enabling riders to refine their technique and communication with their equine partners.

Horse Health Optimisation

– a Win-Win for You and Your Equine Partner!

Success isn’t all – your horse’s well-being is at the heart of Ridesum. To reach the goal of the horse working in a relaxed and balanced frame you aim for the head remain in a steady position, slightly in front of the vertical. Some horses have a tendency to get behind the vertical, which should be avoided as there is research suggesting that e.g. muscle activity, vision and breathing may be adversely affected otherwise. With AI Horse Analytics, you can track your and your horse’s progress and make sure that you strive towards a sustainable goal.

Performance Tracking

– Watch Your Progress

See how your horse’s head position changes depending on activity and over time. AI Horse Analytics gives you a unique opportunity to objectively see the horse’s head position and based on that you can improve your riding. In the app, you follow the horse’s development curve. We recommend that you also perform seat analyses to get feedback on your seat and hand, which affects the horse’s head position. Everything to get a horse as durable and healthy as possible.

Performance Tracking

– Watch Your Progress

See how your horse’s head position changes depending on activity and over time. AI Horse Analytics gives you a unique opportunity to objectively see the horse’s head position and based on that you can improve your riding. In the app, you follow the horse’s development curve. We recommend that you also perform seat analyses to get feedback on your seat and hand, which affects the horse’s head position. Everything to get a horse as durable and healthy as possible.

The future of good horsemanship is here!

Get started!

How does it work?2024-04-02T07:02:23+00:00

AI Horse Analytics is simple to use. Just click Start Analysis and choose to record a new video or upload an existing video from your phone. Select which gait you want to analyse. All videos are recommended to be 15-20 sec, with a maximum of 2 minutes. When you are happy with your video, AI Horse Analytics will perform an analysis of your horse’s head carriage and present your result. The result will be divided into the categories “in front of the vertical”, “on the vertical” and “behind the vertical” and can then be compared to your previous analyses to ensure that you can track your and your horse’s progress.

Do I need anything else than my smartphone?2024-04-02T07:02:57+00:00

No, all you need is your Ridesum app.

Why should I anlayse my horse’s head carriage?2024-04-02T07:03:38+00:00
To reach the goal of the horse working in a relaxed and balanced frame you aim for the head remain in a steady position, slightly in front of the vertical. Some horses have a tendency to get behind the vertical, which should be avoided as there is research suggesting that e.g. muscle activity, vision and breathing may be adversely affected otherwise. With AI Horse Analytics, you can track your and your horse’s progress and make sure that you strive towards a sustainable goal. 

Take your riding to the next level!

Download the app and try it today.
From €14,99/month or fr. €1,79/analysis.
(From £12,49/month or fr. £1,49/analysis).

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