Pro Tips!

For accurate analyses & results

Pro Tips for AI Seat Analytics!

For accurate analyses & results

Become an AI Seat Analytics pro with our tips and tricks.

1. Consider light conditions

Film in environments that offers good lighting and clear contrast between rider and background. Avoid too dark and too bright!

2. ONE rider only

The AI system will detect all riders that are in view, regardless if you are using the live tracking or video upload. Since the system cannot know which one is you, your result might be mixed with the other riders’. Make sure that only the rider that should be analysed is in view.

3. Stick to portrait OR landscape

The analysis works beautifully in both portrait and landscape mode, but please don’t switch between them in the same take. Stick to one or the other!

4. Get closer, but not too close

To ensure that the system detects the horse and rider they must both be in the camera view, but don’t let the rider get too far away! The ideal distance between camera and rider is approximately 10 m. Try to ride in a 20 m circle around the one recording!

5. Clear view!

Keep the space between rider and camera free from objects. No threes, dogs, trainers, other riders, cows or cars. You get it! The system needs to see you clearly.

That’s it!

In short, make sure the person filming sees the horse and rider well. Avoid bulky clothes and busy environments.

  • For an analysis from the side, stick to a 20 m circle around the person filming.
  • For a front/back analysis, ride on a straight line towards or away from the camera.

A 10-15 sec clip goes a long way – quality over quantity. Stick to one pace in each analysis, that gives the most detailed result – you might have different challenges in trot vs canter.

For more information, go to AI Seat Analytics. Or why not let your coach record your efforts during your next training? Read more about AI Seat Analytics for trainers!

Good luck!

Download the Ridesum app and try AI Seat Analytics today!